Lolwe Calls for Submissions to Issue 3

. . . to be guest-edited by Elfreda Tetteh, Akhim Alexis, and Stephanie Wanga.
Lolwe Issue 2 cover. Image title: Morrison’s Air. Photography: Ericke Tjiueza. Costume Design: Nicodemus Amwele, Ericke Tjiueza. Model: Jean-Claude Nazarii.

Lolwe Issue 2 cover. Photograph by Ericke Tjiueza.

Lolwe Calls for Submissions to Issue 3

Lolwe, the Kenya-based online literary magazine, is accepting submissions of fiction, essays, poetry, and photography for its third issue. It is “looking for work that is bold, different, and blurs or pushes boundaries: play with form and language, ignore genre classifications, send in your fears and joys, your doubts and faiths, your curiosities and silences.”

The submissions window will open on 1 February 2021 and close on 28 February 2021.

The magazine’s Issue 3 will be guest-edited by the Ghanaian writer Elfreda Tetteh, the Trinidadian poet Akhim Alexis, and the Kenyan writer Stephanie Wanga. Its Issue 1 was released in June 2020 and Issue 2 in December 2020.

The magazine was founded in January 2020 by the Kenyan writer Troy Onyango.


When to submit: 1 February to 28 February 2021.

What to submit: Fiction, essays, poetry, and photography.

Who can submit: Black (African, Caribbean, Diaspora) artists.

Limit: 1,000-10,000 words for fiction and essays. 3-5 poems contained in a single document. 5-10 images/artwork in one document alongside 200-500 words about the work.

Format: Word document, Times New Roman, pt 12, double-spaced.

Response time: 3-4 months after submission deadline. Queries to

Multiple submissions: No. Please submit to only one category.

Simultaneous submissions: Yes. Just remember to withdraw if accepted elsewhere.

Republishing: No. Only original, unpublished submissions will be read.

Submission fees: None. Feel free to donate a “tip” to us though.

Payment: Lolwe will offer a modest remuneration for work that is accepted for publication. You can help by donating to Lolwe.

Send a brief bio alongside the submission.

Submit HERE.


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